satin 1.1.0 (2022-09-22)
- New argument (restore.par = FALSE) added to plot.satin() allowing to annotate plots, e.g. add isolines.
satin 1.0.3
- velocity(), a new function for calculating current speed and direction have been added.
- Improved date handling in read.cmems() for daily data.
- satinMean() no longer depends on lubridate's functions.
satin 1.0.2
- gshhg database's hyperlink changed from ftp:// to htpps://
satin 1.0.1
- Fixed read.osunpp() function that was unable to import monthly datasets due to different names found in h5 files ('Start Time String_GLOSDS' in 8-day files, 'Start Time String' in monthly files).